Dr Green Relief - Where You Get Your Drinking Water?

A new water purification and filtration technology based in Jacksonville, Florida are the result of an agreement between Jacksonville residents and a well-known philanthropist. As a Jacksonville resident you have likely heard of Jacksonville Juice. The Juice Company sells all sorts of healthful, freshly squeezed juices in multiple flavors and through its Jacksonville Juice Program is helping to build an urban community around the city. The philanthropist in question is none other than Dr. Green, who is a world-renowned cardiologist. Recently he formed the non-profit Jacksonville Relief Fund, a not-for-profit group designed to provide homeowners with affordable, low-cost, and quality homeowners flood insurance.

Dr. Green discovered that some families living along the Intracoastal Waterway in Jacksonville, Florida are unable to have their drinking water filtered and they have to deal with the toxic, carcinogenic effects of hundreds of chemicals found in the water. When the federal government asked for assistance to help these families, Dr. Green knew what he was talking about. Like so many other people, he realized the importance of reducing toxins in the water we consumed. Through his research he discovered that through a variety of different filters and filtration systems available on the market today, drinking safe, great tasting water is more than possible. One such system is the Jacksonsville Relief System, a combination of technology designed to provide clean, healthy water from your faucets.

In addition to helping to keep your family safe from harmful toxins, the Jacksonsville Relief System also allows you to enjoy great tasting water at an affordable price. These filters and filtering systems can be added to your kitchen sink, countertop, or even attached to your main water line. These filtering systems to remove chlorine, pesticides, herbicides, trihalomethanes (THM's), heavy metals, VOCs, bacteria, fungi, parasites, cysts, protozoa, MTBE, TCE and atrazine. The system works by replacing these toxins with healthy minerals and healthy, naturally occurring nutrients that your body needs. By using these filtering systems you can literally take care of yourself while providing great-tasting water.

The health benefits of drinking safe, great tasting, water are becoming all too apparent to many Americans who are more health conscious. We are all trying to find better ways to stay healthy while not breaking our budget. This has led to the creation of a vast variety of items to help improve your health, including drinking water and purification systems. But did you know there is also a way to make drinking water safer than it has ever been before? The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established the Health Benefits of Drinking Safely water guidelines as the benchmark for all municipal water sources.

If you own a home with a filtering system installed, your system is already meeting all of the Health Benefits of Drinking Safely water guidelines. You can further protect yourself and your family from lead by purchasing one of the filters manufactured by the leading company in the industry, known as Dr Green. Not only is Dr. Green's system eco-friendly, but it is also very reasonably priced. Even if you do not have a filtering system in your home, you should install one for your peace of mind and to contribute to the wonderful health of your family.

When you buy Dr Green Relief Jacksonville water, you are helping to save the environment one step at a time. Every drop of contaminated water that is replaced by clean, fresh H2O is one less bottle of harmful acidic fluid dumped into our landfills. Your friends and family will be able to taste the difference as well when they ask you where you got your great tasting water. They will probably want some too!


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