Common Causes Of Impotence

Impotence is used as a generic term to describe sexual impairments which impair sexual function and sex drive. Impotence does not mean that one is unable to perform sexually. It is more of a description of problems related to sexual functioning. Impotence is more common in men than women, but both are equally affected. Impotence can affect a man physically as well as mentally and emotionally. However, many people assume that only men are affected by impotence but this is not the case as women are also affected by impotence.

Impotence refers to a condition where the flow of blood is reduced to very low levels. There are three types of impotence. Erectile dysfunction (ED) refers to any form of erectile problem and this includes having hard or weak erections. Acute impotence refers to any form of impotence that occurs suddenly and is long lasting. The most common of the physical causes of impotence is vascular illness including high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, cardiomyopathy, peripheral arterial disease and cardiac surgery.

Impotence can also be caused due to psychological factors such as anxiety, guilt complex, fear, stress or depression. Impotence is caused due to the decreased production of testosterone, the hormone which is required for arousal and sexuality. This causes the lower levels of circulating testosterone to start declining which results in erectile problems. In the past, it was thought that testosterone was only produced by the testes and seminal vesicles. New techniques using sperm-to-semen fluid transfer and micro implantation techniques have now helped treat infertility resulting from impotence.

Impotence can also be caused due to neurological conditions. It has been seen that stroke or cerebro-vascular disease may lead to permanent vegetative status. These patients suffer from a reduced supply of blood and oxygen. Impotence can also be caused due to neurological disorders such as cerebral palsy, achalasia, hemiplegia, and developmental disorders that affect the brain and spinal cord. Click here for more details about 威而鋼

Impotence can also occur due to spinal cord pathology. Spinal cord injuries may result in impotence, as the flow of blood to the spinal cord is restricted. Some spinal cord injuries occur due to infection, tumor or a disorder of the spinal cord itself. Impotence due to neurological disorders occurs when the nerves controlling ejaculation are damaged or destroyed.

Impotence has become common especially in men of older age. Impotence may occur due to many psychological causes. Most of these causes are unknown but a few have been discovered. Some of these common causes include but are not limited to: stress, anxiety, medications, depression and aging.


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