Understanding The Film Distribution Process

Film distribution involves the legal transfer of ownership from an independent producer or distributor to a cinema chain or operator. The ultimate aim of a distributor is to sell its products to the largest possible number of viewers. However, the film distribution industry is also an active and vibrant one, which requires the skills and knowledge of all its operators. Film distribution consists of several different aspects, such as marketing, sales, collection, publicity and fund raising. As a film producer, you need to consider all these different aspects while producing your film.

Film distribution is the easy part of the film distribution puzzle. To produce a film for theatrical release, you need a distribution company that can take care of the technical details. Film distributors are responsible for the screening and marketing of your film throughout the various countries, it will be shown. Film distribution is typically the responsibility of a distributor/producer, who would then decide on the strategic marketing plan for the film, as well as what films to distribute.

While the distribution of movies in the US and Canada concentrates mainly on national screens, some international companies also offer their services for theatrical releases in other countries. For example, theaters in some countries only show motion pictures in their country; others permit independent productions to be shown with local titles. In countries where all motion pictures are copyrighted, or where the creation of motion pictures is a highly commercialized activity, foreign distribution may be more desirable. In this case, the film company would seek the backing of countries with higher film distribution laws. If foreign distribution is possible, it gives the producer significantly greater exposure and the potential to make much more money.

Another aspect of film distribution involves theaters. Many theaters house multiplexes, which are multiple screens for showing the same film. Multiplexes come in different shapes and sizes and are sometimes operated by individual operators (i.e. video game theaters). Some multiplexes are owned by large chains like AMC Theaters in Chicago and Regal Entertainment in Los Angeles. The advantages to owning a multiplex include more profits from admissions and more seats for each showing, but there are drawbacks to the multiplex as well, namely the difficulty of finding an operator willing to open multiplexes and the loss of profit to theaters that have multiplexes.

The distribution of motion pictures is a crucial part of the marketing strategy for most movies, especially if the film is intended for broad release. The marketing strategy is usually devised before the film is even screened for public viewing. The marketing strategy includes determining the film distribution plan, which usually includes theatrical release, online release, or video on demand (VOD) release. If the film is intended for video on demand (VOD) distribution, the marketing plan for financing includes looking into ways to obtain rights to stream the film to viewers in various formats.

Film distribution companies act as middlemen between filmmakers and viewers. The main task of the film distribution company is to secure an exclusive contract with filmmakers whereby they gain control over the distribution rights to a film. Most distributors require a percentage of the proceeds from the film for marketing costs and fees. Although film distribution is not cheap, the benefits of the distribution process outweigh the costs, and the profits created through VODs and internet distribution will provide long-term revenue.


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