What to Do With Premature Ejaculation - What You Must Know About Sex and Premature Ejaculation

When we begin to suffer from premature ejaculation it can seem like a never-ending puzzle of causes and cures. There are all kinds of pills, creams and other things on the market that claim to be the sure cure, or the permanent solution to this frustrating and often embarrassing situation. Unfortunately, many of these products are nothing more than old wives' tales, and they will not help you to cure premature ejaculation.

If you are suffering from premature ejaculation, there are a few things that you need to understand. First of all, it is not your fault. It is not your fault, because the problem is not physical. It is a learned behavior that can be unlearned through education. Once you know how to have better control over yourself during sex you will be able to have amazing, mind-blowing orgasms whenever you want and for as long as you want. And that is the key, knowing how to have better control over yourself!

In order to truly cure premature ejaculation you must first accept that there is nothing that you can do to stop it. It's either you learn to control yourself during sex or you will continue to have very poor ejaculations that result in no satisfaction for either you or your partner. You must also accept that there is nothing that you can do about a condition like premature ejaculation except possibly delay sex until you have cured yourself. Many people try to use sexual therapy or other treatments and these usually only end up teaching them new ways of thinking about sex. After all, once you have learned how to delay your ejaculation naturally through new and effective techniques your brain has nothing to learn and will stay permanently open to new and powerful impulses.

The real secret to curing premature ejaculation is by re-programming your brain. Your ejaculatory reflex is essentially designed to make sure that you come as close to orgasm as possible without having to produce orgasm. This is basically the same mechanism that animals use to mount and dismount from their mating displays. The thing that sets us apart is that humans have been able to refine this reflex into an instinctive system that we use for sex. But, since you were unable to train your body this way, you now need to find a way to train your brain so that it works like the reflex mechanism does during sex.

I am not saying that there is some mystical button inside your brain that will cause you to ejaculate when you are ready to do so. What I am saying is that if you are able to unlock this hidden button (the one that causes the ejaculation process) you can then use this knowledge to train yourself to delay ejaculation during sex. Once you have mastered this technique you will be able to control your ejaculation anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes, all by simply focusing on something else while you are having sex. Click here for more details about 壯陽藥

This is not an extremely easy thing to accomplish, and you are going to have to practice a lot in order to master the ability to delay ejaculation. You are going to need to train both your mind and your body so that they respond to your commands. There are many exercises that you can do to train both your mind and your body to understand how to control your ejaculation. If you are willing to put in the effort to learn these exercises, you can then start using this knowledge to delay ejaculation and last longer during intercourse. The payoff will be well worth the effort and time that you put into learning this technique.


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